Surround yourself by good people

Surround yourself by good people and good things will happen This a philosophy that Kevin and myself adopted very early on in this company and it has taken us a long way. I quickly realized that in order to run a business, you don't need to know how to do everything, but if you can surround yourself by a team of people smarter than yourself, with passion greater than yourself, it will go a long way.

Over the past few years we have built a team and a network of people that I absolutely love to be around. From the members of our team, to our contractors, our production partners and even our clients. Having a strong network of good people will do more for your business than any amount of advertising or marketing dollars.

If you are trying to build something, surround yourself by good people and build a culture that encourages innovation and lets people thrive at what they are passionate about. If you are genuine and passionate about your dream, people will believe in it and begin to follow.

Extend this philosophy past your business. Look at your personal life, and the people you spend your time with. Surround yourself by good people and good things will happen.

Thank you to everyone who has surrounded me over the past years, both personal and in business. You have all given me the strength to grow to where I am at today.