A new year, a new venture

'Follow the rabbit…' That has been my mantra for quite some time and I have blogged about it on numerous occasions. For me, that means diving into the unknown, taking a risk and seeing where it takes me.

As I roll into 2013, I will be taking another huge risk as I will be leaving my current company to pursue an entirely new venture. I am proud to say that I have helped build a company that has established itself as an industry leader and is now growing faster than ever.

Over the past several years, I have had a blast and learned an incredible amount about video, technology and business along the way. Those skills and experiences have prepared me to launch my new venture, Virtual Physical Therapy

Virtual Physical Therapy is a telemedicine company that enables physical therapy patients to do their exercises at home, while allowing therapists to monitor their patients remotely. We utilize the Microsoft Kinect to track patients movements, and notify therapists if patients are doing their exercises and doing them correctly.

Starting today, I will be working out of the Nashville Entrepreneur Center’s Incubator Program. Over the next 100 days I will be going through a rigorous program to refine the business model, build a management team, define the target market and develop a financial strategy.

This marks a new chapter in my life, and as I dive into this new venture I could not be more excited.