Moving to Mexico

Yes, that is right. I am moving to Mexico. I did not commit any crimes and I am not joining the cartel. 

Instead, I have been building my life over the past several months so that I can make an income from anywhere. I will be living and working from my computer, while serving a handful of clients remotely.

Quite a few people have asked me, "Why Mexico?". 

I simply answer, "Why not?". 

As I am now several years out of college, I have began to notice so many of my good friends 'settling down'. They buy their first house, filling it with nice possessions and getting into the 9-5 routine. For some people, that is great and they will be forever happy that way. For me, I know that is not what I want for my life. 


I crave adventure.

I crave trying something new.

I crave the unknown.

With this trip to Mexico, this will be a chance for to work remotely, relax out on the beach and reflect on life. I will have the opportunity to experience a new culture, a new language and a completely new way of life.

I won't be living there forever, and I can't say I am certain of the plans afterward. What I am certain about is that this is forward motion. Despite how much I have loved Nashville, and how much the city has done for me, it is time for me to move onward.  

Mexico is not the end goal, although it is a stepping stone on the path I figure out where I want to go with my life and what I want to accomplish. As of tomorrow morning (December 9th) I will be on a plane down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with my wonderful girlfriend Elisabeth. 

I can honestly say I am excited about this move and that the next post I write will be from a beach in Mexico. 

BlogJake Jorgovan