What Does a Pricing Strategy Consultant Do?

What Does a Pricing Strategy Consultant Do

Struggling with profit margins? Many businesses miss out on revenue due to poorly defined pricing strategies. It impacts growth, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability.

A pricing strategy consultant solves this problem. Good pricing strategy consultants optimize your pricing to help you capture maximum value and remain competitive. But how exactly do they achieve this?

In this article, you'll discover exactly what a pricing strategy consultant does and why their expertise can transform your bottom line. We’ll explore the key roles, tasks, and methods they use and how they implement data-driven pricing strategies that work.

What Does a Pricing Strategy Consultant Do? 7 Key Roles

1. Analyze Market Trends

One of the main responsibilities of a pricing strategy consultant is to look at your wider industry and analyze the most important pricing trends and how they apply to your business and goals.

Here’s what that might look like.

  • Gather comprehensive data from industry reports, financial publications, and specialized market research tools. You need depth, not just breadth.

  • Identify key indicators that impact your specific market: inflation rates, supply chain disruptions, and consumer confidence. Focus on what influences pricing in your niche.

  • Segment the data into relevant timeframes. Trends vary. Monthly shifts signal immediate changes, and annual trends offer long-term patterns.

  • Cross-reference this data with your internal sales metrics. Validate the relevance. Not all market shifts affect your industry equally.

  • Use advanced analytics software, apply predictive models, and forecast future trends based on historical data and current market conditions.

  • Pay attention to competitor pricing strategies. Identify their reactions to market changes. This reveals potential pricing gaps or opportunities.

The best consultants will review macroeconomic factors regularly and adjust your pricing strategy as these trends evolve.


Businesses that use dynamic pricing models are a good example of integrating AI and machine learning into pricing strategies. These companies adjust prices in real-time based on market demand, competitor activity, and customer behavior. For instance, big data analytics combined with AI has enabled companies to identify optimal price points, predict consumer behavior, and adapt pricing strategies quickly.

2. Assess Competitor Pricing

If you want to ensure that your own prices are always at the best possible level, you need to monitor your competitors' prices. A good consultant can do this. Here’s what they’ll do.

  • Identify your top and most direct competitors, especially those targeting similar customer segments.

  • Gather data on their pricing. Use tools like Price2Spy or Competera to analyze how often they change prices.

  • Review their pricing models. Find out if they use dynamic pricing, tiered models, or value-based strategies.

  • Check their discounts, promotions, and bundling offers. Understand how they drive customer acquisition.

  • Compare their prices with yours. Identify gaps or overlaps, and determine where you’re over or underpriced.

  • Analyze customer perception. Read reviews and forums. Understand how pricing influences their value perception.

  • Adjust your strategy based on insights and adapt to capitalize on weaknesses in their pricing. 


A good example of identifying top competitors to optimize prices is Walmart's “Everyday Low Prices” strategy. Walmart actively monitors competitors' prices through a vast network of price-checkers who gather data from competitor stores. This method allows Walmart to adjust its prices swiftly and remain the market leader in competitive pricing. 

Good consultants use a similar approach to help you stay agile and make sure your pricing strategy aligns with the market. It’s not just about matching prices but understanding competitor actions to optimize your own strategy effectively.

3. Identify Customer Segments

Understanding your customers is one of the most important elements of a successful pricing strategy. This helps you find out what prices your customers are prepared to pay and what they expect from you. Breaking down your customers into segments is a key part of this process.

Here’s how a consultant can help you identify customer segments:

  • Analyze your existing customer data with CRM and sales analytics tools. Identify purchase frequency, average transaction value, and product preferences.

  • Segment based on demographics first. Age, gender, location, and income level are common choices.

  • Move to psychographic data. Look at lifestyle choices, values, and interests. These factors define motivations and spending behavior.

  • Analyze behavioral data. Identify purchase triggers, buying frequency, and product loyalty patterns. Understand how different groups interact with your brand.

  • Cross-reference these insights with business goals. Align segments with profitability potential.

  • Validate your segments. Use A/B testing to confirm if each segment responds differently to targeted messaging or offers.

Insider Tip: 

Focus on finding a pricing strategy consultant with proven experience in your specific industry. Don’t settle for generalists. Look for a consultant who has a track record of navigating your market's pricing challenges. They should have real examples of how they've helped similar businesses adjust to market fluctuations, optimize revenue models, or counteract aggressive competitor pricing. Ask them to provide case studies, not just testimonials.

4. Develop Pricing Models

Developing pricing models allows you to take a more structured approach to your pricing so that you are making decisions based on clear objectives. The right pricing strategy consultant will help you create and implement these models — here’s how.

  • Define your pricing objectives — do you want to maximize profits, gain market share, or establish premium positioning? Your consultant will help you reach clarity here.

  • Help you choose a pricing model type, such as cost-plus, value-based, tiered, or dynamic models. Each serves different objectives and markets.

  • Gather accurate cost data including fixed, variable, and hidden costs. Ensure your baseline covers all expenses.

  • Analyze customer willingness to pay using surveys, A/B testing, and sales data. The goal is to understand price sensitivity across different segments.

  • Factor in competitor pricing. Identify your competitive advantage and make sure your model aligns with market positioning.

  • Develop a pricing structure. Determine if you'll offer volume discounts, bundling, or subscription tiers.

  • Test your model with pilot programs or focus groups. Adjust based on feedback and sales performance.

Insider Tip:

Make sure your consultant has experience building models tailored to your industry’s unique dynamics. Ask how they incorporate customer segmentation and purchase behavior data into their models. This shows they’re not just using generic formulas. Look for case studies where they’ve adjusted models based on real-time market shifts or supply chain changes. 

5. Recommend Pricing Adjustments

A pricing strategy is only effective if you constantly adjust and refine it in response to new information. This is the only way to ensure your prices are always optimal and based on reliable evidence.

Here’s what a good pricing strategist will do here.

  • Start with analyzing your sales data. Identify which products underperform or show declining sales trends — these indicate potential pricing issues.

  • Check competitor pricing. Determine if they’ve adjusted their prices recently and if their pricing shifts affect your sales.

  • Evaluate your cost structure. Identify changes in production or supply chain costs. Ensure your prices remain profitable.

  • Recommend targeted price changes. For products with low demand, your consultant might suggest discounts or bundling. For high-demand items, they might recommend raising prices to maximize margins.

  • Test adjustments on a small scale first. Use A/B testing or pilot programs and validate the impact on sales and profit.

  • Review the results. Refine your pricing strategy. Continuous adjustment is key for staying competitive.


A real example of analyzing sales data to recommend pricing adjustments can be seen with a B2B IT distribution company in this report by McKinsey & Company. They ran a pricing experiment with specific customer accounts. By lowering prices for select large accounts while increasing prices for others, they discovered that discounting did not boost volume enough to cover the value lost. This data-driven insight allowed them to confidently maintain a higher-margin strategy.

6. Implement Pricing Strategies

Once your consultant has spent time gathering data and analyzing your and your competitors’ pricing, it’s time to start implementing some pricing strategies. Here’s how a good consultant will approach that.

  • Start with defining your pricing goals. Establish whether you aim to increase profit margins, gain market share, or reinforce premium positioning.

  • Choose your pricing model based on these goals. Potential options include value-based, cost-plus, or dynamic pricing.

  • Gather data on customer segments, costs, competitor pricing, and market demand with the help of analytics tools.

  • If you serve diverse customer needs, develop pricing tiers or packages and adjust them based on each segment's willingness to pay.

  • Test your pricing strategy. Run A/B tests on a smaller scale to measure the impact on sales and profit.

  • Help you communicate your pricing clearly to customers and highlight the value or benefits they receive.

Insider Tip: 

Prioritize finding a pricing strategy consultant who can demonstrate a history of adapting pricing models in response to market shifts. Don’t just settle for their standard pitch. Ask them how they’ve modified strategies under unexpected economic conditions, like inflation spikes or sudden drops in demand. 

Ensure they explain the rationale behind each adjustment. This level of adaptability shows they aren't rigid in their approach. Their ability to pivot quickly in dynamic markets means they can maintain your profitability, even in unpredictable situations.

7. Monitor Pricing Performance

Once your new pricing strategy is in place, your chosen consultant shouldn’t just disappear into the sunset. The next—and arguably most important—stage is to monitor your pricing's performance over time.

Here’s how that works:

  • Begin by setting clear KPIs. Include metrics like profit margin, sales volume, and customer acquisition rate, and define what success looks like for each.

  • Use real-time analytics tools. Continuously track your sales data, competitor pricing, and market trends. Good consultants will use a dashboard to consolidate and share these insights.

  • Segment your data. Analyze pricing performance across different customer groups, regions, or product lines. This helps identify which segments respond well to your pricing strategy.

  • Compare actual performance against targets. Identify gaps and assess why certain products underperform or exceed expectations.

  • Gather customer feedback. Conduct surveys or monitor reviews. Understand if pricing impacts perceived value or purchasing behavior.

  • Adjust based on insights. Refine pricing models, test changes, and measure their impact.

  • Schedule regular reviews to keep you informed and let you know what’s happening and why every step of the way.


A relevant example of monitoring pricing performance comes from businesses that analyze real-time competitor price changes. For instance, reacting quickly to a competitor slashing prices or identifying disparities between online and offline channels helps you adjust your pricing strategy efficiently. This shows the importance of using data-driven insights to stay agile and competitive in pricing performance management.

The Power of the Right Pricing Strategy Consultant

Struggling with pricing is common. It hurts profitability, growth, and competitiveness. But a pricing strategy consultant changes that. They offer expert insights, data-driven strategies, and tailored solutions to help you gain clarity, better margins, and a competitive edge.

Their expertise eliminates guesswork and lines up your pricing with market demand. Now, you know what they do and why it matters. The right consultant doesn’t just fix pricing — they transform your business at all levels.

If you're ready to take control and maximize profits, a pricing strategy consultant is your answer.