Best 30 Retargeting and Remarketing Agencies for 2024 and Beyond

Need help converting site visitors into loyal customers?

Remarketing can seal the deal where initial efforts falter. 

You're exactly where you need to be to turn that around. 

Here's what you'll find:

  • A curated list of the top 30 retargeting and remarketing agencies.

  • Insight into the industries they specialize in.

  • An overview of key services offered by each agency.

  • Highlights of notable clients they've successfully transformed.

Continue reading to discover your ideal partner in boosting conversion rates!


TL:DR: Best Retargeting and Remarketing Agencies

  1. inBeat: inBeat is the best agency for retargeting and remarketing because they leverage proven strategies from TikTok and Meta advertising to craft personalized ad experiences that reconnect with your audience and boost engagement and conversions. Their advanced analytics and continuous optimization ensure maximum ROI, making inBeat your top choice for driving customer retention and sales growth.

  2. Goodman Lantern: Goodman Lantern uses content marketing and a deep understanding of consumer behavior to deliver effective remarketing campaigns, increasing conversions and brand loyalty.

  3. Clicks Digital: Clicks Digital specializes in Google Ads retargeting, offering a full-service package that optimizes campaigns for recall and conversion, enhancing ad effectiveness across multiple platforms.

  4. Munro Agency: Munro Agency targets an extensive online reach with their 'Done-For-You' services, improving engagement and ROI through tailored, strategic ad placements and performance analytics.

  5. Ingenuity Digital: Ingenuity Digital integrates advanced personalization with Google Ads for targeted remarketing, utilizing creative strategies like video and Gmail ads to engage users and boost conversions.


Retargeting vs. Remarketing, What's the Difference?

Retargeting primarily involves online ad placements to target users who have visited your website but did not make a purchase. It uses browser cookies to serve ads across various digital platforms, effectively "following" users around the internet to bring them back to your site.

Remarketing, on the other hand, typically refers to re-engaging customers through email. It uses customer contact information to email users who have previously interacted with your site, aiming to rekindle interest by reminding them of previous engagements or offering new incentives.

Both strategies aim to increase conversions but do so through different channels and tactics.

Retargeting Advantages:

  • You can re-engage visitors who have already shown interest in your product but left without purchasing.

  • Customize your ads based on visitors' actions on your site, making the ads more relevant.

  • Increase conversion rates by reminding these previous visitors of the products they viewed.

  • Leverage various platforms like social media and Google Display Network to target these users where they spend their time.

  • Optimize your budget by focusing on users who are more likely to convert based on their past behavior.

Remarketing Advantages:

  • Reconnect with users by sending them targeted emails based on their interaction with your site.

  • You can provide personalized offers or information, leading to higher engagement rates.

  • Encourage repeat business by keeping your brand top of mind with past customers.

  • Increase customer loyalty by showing you understand their needs through targeted communication.

  • Integrate remarketing strategies with broader email marketing campaigns to enhance overall marketing effectiveness.


A Deep Dive into Each Best Retargeting and Remarketing Agency


inBeat is the best remarketing and retargeting agency because they don't use underperforming and old tactics but innovative strategies that bring exceptional results, such as extremely high ROAS for retargeting and remarketing campaigns. 

Specializing in both Meta and TikTok advertising, inBeat blends the power of these platforms with influencer marketing that cuts through the noise and gives you highly effective campaigns. 

inBeat leverages its extensive experience with TikTok and Meta platforms to design visually engaging and strategically sound retargeting campaigns with high click-through rates.

By combining these two powerful advertising platforms, inBeat ensures that your ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing impact and efficiency.

One of inBeat's unique strengths is its retargeting process and integration of UGC and creator marketing into remarketing and retargeting strategies.

By partnering with relevant micro-influencers, inBeat enhances brand credibility and reach, creating authentic touchpoints and personalized content that effectively re-engages your audience. These influencers generate high-quality user-generated content for social media platforms that resonate with your target market, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

Remarketing and retargeting require constant tweaking and optimization, and inBeat's team of experts is dedicated to improving campaign performance based on what works best for your unique audience and goals.

inBeat takes a comprehensive approach to remarketing, utilizing insights from past campaign data, competitor research, and market trends to create a robust conversion funnel.

By leveraging a combination of TikTok and Meta advertising alongside influencer marketing, inBeat helped Hurom achieve remarkable results.

They created high-quality UGC from influencers that resonated with Hurom's target audience, driving significant engagement and conversions. This approach reduced Hurom's cost per acquisition and 2.5x increased their return on ad spend across retargeting platforms, showcasing inBeat's ability to integrate influencer marketing with advanced remarketing strategies effectively.

Industries: Mobile Applications, CPG and DTC brands, Retail, eCommerce, Agencies, Fashion, Food, B2B

Notable clients: New Balance, Deux par Deux, Linktree, Hopper, Nissan, Disney, Hurom

Key services:

  • Retargeting and Remarketing services

  • Social Media Advertising

  • UGC Creation

  • TikTok and Instagram Marketing & Advertising

  • Micro-Influencer and Nano-Influencer Marketing

  • Paid Advertising

Reason to work with inBeat:  Choose inBeat for their innovative blend of influencer marketing with digital strategies on TikTok and Meta, enhancing campaign authenticity and impact. Their proven success in boosting key metrics like return on ad spend and cost per acquisition for major brands ensures your advertising efforts are both effective and aligned with current market trends.  


Goodman Lantern excels in elevating brands through targeted retargeting and remarketing strategies, ensuring your brand remains prominent and persuasive in the digital realm. 

What sets them apart is their award-winning approach, leveraging content marketing expertise to craft campaigns that truly resonate with the target audience. 

You'll benefit from their nuanced understanding of consumer behavior, which translates into highly effective, personalized advertising that re-engages visitors. 

Their digital marketing strategies are designed to lower your cost per conversion significantly, offering a more efficient use of your marketing budget.

You'll also see an uplift in conversion rates as they adeptly remind potential customers of what they've left behind, nudging them towards completion of the purchase.

Additionally, Goodman Lantern's services enhance your brand's visibility, keeping you at the top of your mind and fortifying customer recall and loyalty.

Industries: Telecommunications, Banking, Finance & Insurance, Manufacturing, IT & Software, SaaS, Internet of Things, Aerospace & Defence, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

Notable clients: SoftBank, Pearson, TikTok, Tommy Hilfiger, IHG

Key services:

  • Content Marketing

  • SEO Services

  • Graphic Design

  • Video Marketing

  • Digital Strategy

Reason to work with Goodman Lantern: Choosing Goodman Lantern means opting for a partner who understands the intricacies of digital retargeting and values meaningful connections with each campaign, ensuring your marketing goals are met with precision and creativity. 


Clicks Digital is a remarketing company focusing on using Google Ads retargeting to convert site visitors into loyal customers.

Their standout feature is their comprehensive remarketing packages, offering end-to-end solutions from creation to success monitoring.

Benefit from their expertise in crafting remarketing lists tailored to your specific product interests, ensuring your ads reach the perfect audience.

With Clicks Digital, your ads are more memorable, using targeted ads that re-engage site visitors effectively.

Enjoy the convenience of a full-service package that manages your entire remarketing campaign from setup to analysis.

Their strategic ad placements ensure your brand remains at the top of your mind, increasing the likelihood of converting past visitors.

Industries: eCommerce, Technology, Healthcare, Retail, Education

Notable clients: Cyberport, NUK, Piper, Rollei

Key services:

  • Google Ads Retargeting

  • Display Network Advertising

  • YouTube Ads

  • Gmail Ads

  • Google Search Ads

Reason to work with Clicks Digital: Partnering with Clicks Digital means engaging with a team that not only handles the technical setup but also strategically optimizes your retargeting campaigns for maximum recall and conversion.   


Munro Agency specializes in leveraging advanced retargeting strategies to recapture the attention of website visitors. 

They are distinguished by their capability to target lost visitors across an unparalleled 98% of the internet, significantly more than traditional platforms. 

Benefit from their innovative 'Done-For-You' retargeting services that simplify the process, delivering personalized ads with precise timing to maximize conversions. 

Their expert use of diverse platforms ensures your campaigns are both cost-effective and highly targeted. 

Experience increased engagement with ads tailored to the user's previous interactions, enhancing the likelihood of conversion. 

Furthermore, Munro Agency's strategic ad placements optimize your marketing spend, leading to better ROI and deeper market penetration.

Industries: eCommerce, B2B Services, Technology, Finance, Healthcare

Notable clients: Dell, Thirsty Sprout, C2, Mentor cliQ

Key services:

  • Cross-Device Retargeting

  • Dynamic Ad Creation

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Performance Analytics

  • Campaign Management

Reason to work with Munro Agency: Choose Munro Agency for a holistic approach to retargeting that brings back lost visitors and strengthens your brand's presence across multiple platforms, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion rates.    


Ingenuity Digital excels in remarketing with a strong emphasis on Google Ads, offering a comprehensive range of solutions that recapture user interest and convert browsers into buyers. 

Their unique selling point is the integration of advanced personalization techniques, ensuring that every ad displayed is explicitly tailored to individual user behaviors and preferences.

Benefit from their sophisticated Remarketing List Search Advertising (RLSA) that optimizes your exposure to the most likely converters.

Their creative use of video in remarketing campaigns makes your message engaging and memorable.

Additionally, Ingenuity Digital's Google Sponsorship Promotions (GSP) target users directly in their Gmail, combining innovation with cost-efficiency, as you only pay for engaged users.

This multi-platform strategy enhances visibility and conversion rates across channels.

Industries: eCommerce, Technology, Education, Finance, Travel

Notable clients:, Clifford Chance, Exodus Travel, Belstaff

Key services:

  • Google Ads Remarketing

  • Video Remarketing

  • Gmail Ads (Google Sponsored Promotions)

  • Display Network Advertising

  • Search Remarketing

Reason to work with Ingenuity Digital: Choose Ingenuity Digital for their expert blending of technology and creativity, ensuring your remarketing campaigns are as effective as they are innovative, capturing interest and converting leads more efficiently.    


6. Shout Digital Australia

Shout Digital specializes in transforming first-time clicks into repeat sales with strategic retargeting and remarketing campaigns. 

What sets them apart is their proven success in significantly boosting online sales and conversion rates through tailored retargeting strategies. 

You'll benefit from increased conversion rates as Shout Digital targets visitors who've shown prior interest in your products, enhancing the likelihood of converting them. 

Their expertise ensures your campaigns reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing engagement and recall. 

Expect enhanced brand recall and loyalty, as their campaigns keep your brand top-of-mind among potential customers. 

Lastly, their strategic approach offers optimized ad spending, ensuring your marketing budget yields the highest possible returns.

Industries: eCommerce, Automotive, Retail, Technology, Healthcare

Notable clients: Moula, Sodexo, Deep Heat, 4D Medical, sass & bide

Key services:

  • Google Remarketing

  • Facebook Retargeting

  • Behavioral Analysis

  • Custom Audience Targeting

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Reason to work with Shout Digital: Opt for Shout Digital to leverage their expertise in crafting retargeting strategies that increase visibility and drive meaningful engagement and sales, tailoring campaigns to your specific audience and business goals.    


7. The Brains Marketing

The Brains excels in reconnecting businesses with potential customers through innovative retargeting ad strategies. 

Their unique value lies in their data-driven approach, enabling precise targeting and increased conversions. 

You'll benefit from tailored ad campaigns that focus on users who've already shown interest in your services, making it more likely they'll convert. 

Their strategic ad placement means your message is seen at the optimal moment, increasing the chances of engagement. 

Enjoy the advantage of continually optimizing your ads based on performance data, ensuring the best use of your ad spend.

With their expertise, expect a significant reduction in overall marketing costs by focusing on high-intent users.

Industries: Healthcare, B2B, eCommerce, Finance, SaaS

Notable clients: Outfund., Aurora Capital, DHL, Fraser Hart

Key services:

  • Retargeting on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Data Analysis and Insights

  • Strategic Ad Placement

  • Performance Optimization

Reason to work with The Brains: Choose The Brains for their expertise in driving higher ROI through targeted ad campaigns that attract and convert high-intent users, tailored precisely to your business needs and goals.     


8. ExtraDigital 

ExtraDigital focuses on turning lost opportunities into realized profits through their sophisticated remarketing and retargeting strategies. 

Their distinctive advantage comes from over 20 years of experience in digital marketing. They offer a blend of creativity and analytics to tailor campaigns that speak directly to user interests.

You'll benefit from their creative approaches that catch the eye and are backed by data-driven insights, ensuring your ads hit the mark every time.

Their campaigns are strategically managed to maximize ad exposure and engagement, thus increasing your chances of conversion. 

Their comprehensive service manages every step, from strategy formulation to execution, optimizing for the best results while saving you time and effort.

Industries: Healthcare, Education, eCommerce, Tourism, Technology

Notable clients: K9 JETS, Circle Health Group, Tiles 360, Air Partner, The Royal Marsden Private Care

Key services:

  • Google Ads Remarketing

  • Dynamic Remarketing Ads

  • Social Media Retargeting

  • Email Retargeting

  • Display Retargeting

Reason to work with ExtraDigital: Their tailored approach ensures that your retargeting campaigns are not only innovative but also continuously optimized for performance, helping you achieve the best ROI possible with minimal resource waste.   


9. Grow My Ads

Grow My Ads specializes in enhancing Google Ads retargeting campaigns with its exclusive 90-Day Growth Sprints, which ensure continual optimization and improvement.

Their standout feature is a laser-focused approach to Google Ads, translating into highly specialized and effective remarketing strategies.

You'll benefit from an initial free account analysis to pinpoint potential improvements, setting the stage for a tailored strategy.

Their approach ensures that your campaigns are always in sync with the latest Google Ads features, optimizing your ROI.

You can expect personalized campaign management that responds quickly to market changes and data insights, keeping your ads relevant and effective.

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Technology, Healthcare, Education

Notable clients: Digestive Warrior, Cherub Baby, Findem, Rypstick

Key services:

  • Google Remarketing Ads

  • 90-Day Growth Sprints

  • Data Analysis and Optimization

  • Customized Strategy Development

  • Free Account Analysis

Reason to work with Grow My Ads: Their unique 90-Day Growth Sprints and dedicated focus on Google Ads remarketing ensure that your campaigns are not only effective but continuously improved, maximizing conversions and ROI with expert precision.   


10. Blue Corona

Blue Corona excels in driving repeat traffic to your site through strategic remarketing and retargeting services. 

Their edge lies in their deep focus on data and analytics to fine-tune each campaign for maximum performance. 

Benefit from their tailored retargeting ads that reconnect with your visitors, significantly enhancing the chances of conversion. 

Their smart segmentation of the audience ensures that your ads are highly relevant, increasing engagement.

You'll appreciate their thorough tracking and optimization of ads, which keeps your campaign efficient and cost-effective. 

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from their comprehensive management of your retargeting efforts, allowing you to focus on other business areas. 

Industries: Home Services, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Remodeling

Notable clients: Penguin Air, Arctic Air Conditioning, American Vintage Home, Blind & Sons

Key services:

  • Google Display Ads Remarketing

  • Social Media Retargeting

  • Video Remarketing

  • Dynamic Remarketing

  • Customer List Remarketing

Reason to work with Blue Corona:  Their analytical approach ensures that your retargeting campaigns align with the latest marketing trends and technologies, helping you achieve a robust ROI by reclaiming lost leads and converting them into loyal customers.    


11. Disruptive Advertising

Disruptive Advertising stands out with its strategic approach to retargeting, leveraging a variety of methods to reconnect brands with their audiences. 

They differentiate themselves through a mix of pixel, on-platform, and list-based retargeting, ensuring that every campaign is uniquely tailored to client needs. 

You'll benefit from their focused strategies that increase your visibility and potential customer engagement. 

They specialize in targeted campaigns that adapt to user behavior, providing you with optimal ad placements that drive conversions. 

With Disruptive, expect detailed audience insights that enhance campaign precision and effectiveness.  

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Education, Healthcare, Technology

Notable clients: Adobe, Guitar Center, ConocoPhillips, Wandrd

Key services:

  • Pixel Retargeting

  • On-platform Retargeting

  • List-based Retargeting

  • Dynamic Retargeting

  • Campaign Analysis and Optimization

Reason to work with Disruptive Advertising: Choosing Disruptive Advertising means investing in a partner who understands the nuances of retargeting and implements the most effective strategies tailored to your specific business needs and market conditions.


12. Brafton

Brafton excels in helping businesses reconnect with their website visitors through targeted retargeting services. 

Their standout offering lies in comprehensive PPC management that integrates deep market insights with strategic ad placements, setting them apart in the digital marketing arena. 

You benefit from their data-driven approach, which maximizes advertising spend efficiency and ensures your ads reach the right audience at the optimal time. 

Their services also include expert campaign management, allowing for precise audience targeting and increased engagement. 

Additionally, you gain access to strategic content optimization, enhancing your ads' relevance and effectiveness. 

Their advanced geo-targeting capabilities ensure your ads are seen by prospects within specific locales, boosting local engagement.  

Industries: eCommerce, Technology, Healthcare, Education, Finance

Notable clients: Preply, PerkinElmer, Stanford University, Lasko

Key services:

  • PPC Management

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Geo-targeting

  • Strategic Content Optimization

  • Retargeting on Multiple Platforms (Google, Bing, Facebook)

Reason to work with Brafton: Choose Brafton for a holistic digital marketing approach that focuses on retargeting and integrates full-spectrum PPC management to optimize your marketing investments and convert leads more effectively.  


13. M&C Saatchi Performance

M&C Saatchi Performance specializes in crafting innovative remarketing strategies that convert past site visitors into loyal customers. 

Their standout feature is the partnership with leading retargeting solutions, ensuring personalized, consistent messaging across multiple channels. 

You benefit from their data-driven strategies that significantly enhance brand exposure and customer re-engagement. 

Their creative approach to ad content and support ensures your campaigns are both compelling and effective. 

Moreover, you'll appreciate their focus on high conversion rates through continuous campaign optimization. 

With M&C Saatchi, your brand stays top of mind, thanks to their expertly targeted remarketing efforts.

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Technology, Travel, Finance

Notable clients: Amazon, Grab, Rakuten, SEGA, Asics

Key services:

  • Data-Driven Retargeting Strategies

  • Creative Ad Content Support

  • In-depth Performance Analytics

  • Cross-Channel Remarketing

  • Personalized Ad Campaigns

Reason to work with M&C Saatchi Performance: Partnering with M&C Saatchi Performance offers access to a team that prioritizes precise retargeting tailored to create enduring customer loyalty and enhanced brand recognition, ensuring your marketing efforts yield optimal conversions.    


14. WebFX

WebFX leverages over 25 years of expertise in digital marketing to offer specialized remarketing services that boost client revenue and conversion rates. 

Their standout feature is the use of proprietary technology that optimizes ad targeting and maximizes ROI. 

You benefit from their rigorous data-driven strategies, ensuring that your ads reach potential customers who showed prior interest. 

Their approach to continuous optimization means your campaigns keep improving in efficiency and effectiveness. 

Additionally, you enjoy a boost in lead generation through precision-targeted ads tailored to user behavior. 

Their holistic approach ensures that no potential customer forgets about your products, increasing the likelihood of their return.    

Industries: eCommerce, Healthcare, Real Estate, Technology, Education, Hospitality, B2B

Notable clients: Hilton, Fujifilm, 1&1, Rowan University

Key services:

  • Data-Driven Remarketing

  • Cross-Platform Ad Targeting

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Proprietary Technology Utilization

  • Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

Reason to work with WebFX: Choosing WebFX means partnering with a seasoned agency that offers innovative remarketing solutions designed to recover lost leads and increase your conversions through targeted, data-backed strategies.


15. CMDS

CMDS excels in delivering retargeting ads that convert fleeting visitors into lasting customers by ensuring your brand remains at the forefront of their digital experience. 

Their comprehensive approach, combining creative design with strategic placement to maximize brand recall and engagement, is what sets them apart.

You benefit from their innovative ad designs that capture attention and resonate with viewers, enhancing ad recall.

Their detailed targeting strategies ensure your ads are seen by the most relevant audiences, increasing conversion rates.

Additionally, you'll benefit from multi-platform retargeting, which keeps your brand visible across various digital spaces.

Their expertise in crafting tailored messages refines your campaign's impact, leading to higher engagement rates.   

Industries: Retail, Healthcare, Education, Real Estate, eCommerce

Notable clients: The Monmouth University Educator, BFI Furniture, Chapman Environmental Services, Omya Kinetik

Key services:

  • Custom Ad Design

  • Strategic Ad Placement

  • Multi-platform Retargeting

  • Tailored Messaging

  • Detailed Audience Targeting

Reason to work with CMDS: Choose CMDS for their holistic and creative approach to retargeting, ensuring your brand stays memorable and your marketing campaigns yield substantial and measurable results.  


16. Direct Online Marketing

Direct Online Marketing excels in retargeting across multiple platforms, giving businesses a second chance to capture the interest of past visitors. 

Their edge lies in their access to top-tier ad platforms and a robust strategy that maximizes ad visibility and engagement. 

You benefit from their targeted campaigns that are meticulously tailored to your audience's preferences, increasing your chances of conversion. 

They enhance your ROI by optimizing ad frequency and placement to ensure maximum effectiveness. 

Their strategic ad timings and personalized messaging also significantly boost customer re-engagement rates.

Industries: Healthcare, Higher Education, Ecommerce, SaaS & Technology, International Market Entry, Manufacturing, B2B or B2C

Notable clients: Industry West, SCAD, Appen

Key services:

  • Multi-platform Retargeting (Google, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn)

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Ad Creation and Optimization

  • Strategic Campaign Management

  • Detailed Performance Analytics

Reason to work with Direct Online Marketing: Choosing Direct Online Marketing ensures a strategic, results-focused approach to retargeting, with a commitment to transparency and continuous optimization that keeps your campaigns performing at their peak.   


17. Single Grain

Single Grain specializes in boosting ROI through targeted retargeting campaigns that reconnect businesses with potential customers who didn’t convert initially. 

They offer customized retargeting strategies, emphasizing personalization and precise audience targeting.

You benefit from their detailed approach to audience analysis, ensuring that your retargeting ads are served to the most likely to convert. 

Their use of A/B testing optimizes ad effectiveness, providing you with the highest possible conversion rates. 

Furthermore, their real-time campaign monitoring allows for timely adjustments, maximizing campaign performance.

Industries: eCommerce, SaaS, Education, Crypto & Blockchain

Notable clients: Intuit, SiteMinder, Cafe Press, Uber

Key services:

  • Customized Retargeting Strategy

  • A/B Testing

  • Personalized Ad Creation

  • Real-Time Campaign Monitoring

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Reason to work with Single Grain: Choose Single Grain for their expertise in retargeting that recaptures lost leads and transforms them into loyal customers through tailored data-driven strategies.   


18. Basis Technologies

Basis Technologies specializes in delivering retargeting advertising solutions that convert web traffic into loyal customers. 

Their standout feature is the integration of advanced data analytics and cross-device targeting, which enhances ad relevance and user engagement. 

With Basis Technologies, you benefit from increased brand exposure, strategically placing ads to maximize impact and accelerate customer progression through the marketing funnel. 

Their precise audience segmentation means you only spend on ads shown to interested parties, maximizing return on investment. 

Thanks to their dynamic creative ads, you can also expect heightened campaign effectiveness, tailoring messages to individual preferences.

Lastly, their automated advertising solutions streamline campaign management, saving you time and resources.

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Automotive, Finance, Technology, Food & Beverage, B2B

Notable clients: Dalton Agency, CMRignite, Bailey Lauerman, Nue Vodka

Key services:

  • Cross-Device Targeting

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Dynamic Creative Ads

  • Brand Safety & Fraud Prevention

  • Automated Digital Advertising

Reason to work with Basis Technologies: Choose Basis Technologies for their ability to integrate comprehensive data insights and automation into your retargeting efforts, ensuring ads are not only seen but acted upon, making every dollar count.   


19. Finsbury Media

Finsbury Media excels as a premier digital marketing agency that delivers targeted, effective campaigns across multiple digital platforms.

Their unique strength lies in their partnership status with major platforms like Google, enabling them to offer specialized services with superior results. 

Experience a boost in your brand's visibility through their tailored PPC campaigns, ensuring that your ads reach the most relevant audience. 

Their strategic social media management can significantly increase your engagement rates, fostering stronger customer relationships. 

Benefit from their cutting-edge SEO tactics that enhance your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site. 

With their retargeting strategies, you can re-engage visitors, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Industries: Real Estate, Healthcare, Retail, Technology, Education, Automotive

Notable clients: LSE, BMW, Hertz, Seat

Key services:

  • Google PPC

  • Social Media Management

  • SEO

  • Retargeting

  • Web Design

Reason to work with Finsbury Media: Partner with Finsbury Media to harness their expertly crafted digital strategies and premier Google partnership. This ensures your campaigns not only reach but resonate with your target audience, driving meaningful engagement and conversions.


20. Visable

Visable specializes in targeted B2B retargeting campaigns, making them a powerhouse in reconnecting businesses with potential customers. 

They excel in precision, using intelligent banner ads that ensure your message reaches the most relevant audiences without oversaturation. 

You'll benefit from increased brand visibility, as their focused approach places your products directly in front of decision-makers. 

Their expertise in B2B platforms enhances your reach, connecting you with over 2.4 million decision-makers. 

Enjoy optimized ad performance, thanks to their tailored banner designs that capture attention and make a lasting impression. 

Plus, Visable’s strategic ad placement maximizes your brand's presence across the European market.  

Industries: Manufacturing, Technology, Professional Services, Wholesale, Construction

Notable clients: CIC, PROTOTEC, Cosmoya, Universal Rubber Manufacturing

Key services:

  • B2B Retargeting

  • Intelligent Banner Ads

  • Tailored Design Services

  • Strategic Ad Placement

  • Cross-Platform Marketing

Reason to work with Visable: Visable is ideal for businesses seeking to enhance their B2B reach and effectiveness, offering tailored solutions that ensure your ads resonate with the right audience and deliver substantial results.   


21. Soap Media

Soap Media specializes in leveraging remarketing strategies to maximize brand visibility and customer engagement. 

What sets them apart is their use of high-quality data to craft personalized ad journeys, ensuring ads are seen at the most impactful moments.

With their targeted approach, you can experience increased conversion rates, which re-engages potential customers by reintroducing them to products they've shown interest in.

Their dynamic remarketing adjusts to user behaviors, presenting more personalized ads to boost your sales.

Benefit from their expertise in audience segmentation, which enhances the precision of your campaigns and leads to higher conversions.

Soap Media's balanced remarketing strategies optimize your ad spend, maximizing the effectiveness of each campaign without overexposure. 

Industries: eCommerce, Technology, B2B

Notable clients: LMP Architects, AA Tyres, Clogau, Money Supermarket

Key services:

  • Targeted Display Ads

  • Dynamic Remarketing

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Cart Abandonment Solutions

  • PPC Management

Reason to work with Soap Media: Their data-driven approach promises not only to enhance your remarketing efforts but also to significantly improve your ROI by reconnecting you with your most valuable prospects.    


22. Climb Marketing

Climb Marketing excels in retargeting advertising, crafting campaigns that effectively re-engage past visitors to enhance brand recognition and conversions. 

Their standout feature is a strategic approach that avoids the pitfalls of common retargeting, focusing on developing familiarity without crossing into intrusiveness.

You can benefit from their nuanced ad strategies that adapt your message across different platforms, ensuring consistency in how your brand is perceived. 

Climb Marketing's focused targeting means that your ads are only seen by those most likely to convert, enhancing your ad spend efficiency. 

With their commitment to ethical retargeting, you avoid the risk of alienating your audience, keeping your brand respected and welcomed. 

They offer expertly tailored campaigns, which means every interaction is designed to bring your potential customers closer to a conversion. 

Industries: Technology, Healthcare, Education

Notable clients: Gale, a Cengage Company

Key services:

  • Retargeting Campaign Development

  • Digital Advertising Strategy

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Search Engine Marketing

  • Data Analytics

Reason to work with Climb Marketing: Choose Climb Marketing for a partner who values ethical marketing and offers tailored retargeting strategies that resonate with your target audience without overstepping, ensuring maximum impact and respect for user privacy.   


23. Impression

Impression Digital positions itself as a leading remarketing agency, utilizing its status as a Google Premier Partner to offer advanced retargeting solutions. 

They distinguish themselves with a comprehensive suite of powerful tools and strategies that ensure ads reach previously interested users at optimal times.

You will appreciate their meticulous approach to audience targeting, ensuring that your ads are seen by users most likely to engage. 

Enjoy enhanced brand recall with their effective ad placement across multiple platforms. 

Their strategic use of data analytics improves campaign precision, increasing your return on investment. 

Additionally, Impression Digital’s integration of SEO and paid media enhances the overall effectiveness of your retargeting efforts.    

Industries: B2B, eCommerce, Technology, Finance, Travel, Jewelry

Notable clients: Topps Tiles, Queensmith, Norse

Key services:

  • Google Display Network Campaigns

  • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs)

  • Social Media Retargeting

  • Lookalike Audience Targeting

  • Data Analytics

Reason to work with Impression Digital: They offer a sophisticated blend of technology and strategic expertise, enhancing your marketing efforts through precise, data-driven retargeting campaigns that convert interest into action. 


24. Creative Marketing (NW) Ltd

ThoughtShift excels in leveraging both Google and Meta platforms for comprehensive remarketing services, making them a powerhouse in driving impressive sales and customer re-engagement results. 

Their unique value lies in their ability to rearchitect ad accounts for maximum efficiency in retargeting, utilizing a full-funnel advertising approach that captures and converts leads at all stages.

You can benefit from their award-winning strategies, which have proven to deliver up to a 10X return on ad spend, turning casual browsers into loyal customers. 

Their approach ensures that your ads reach the right audience, using precise targeting and cross-platform consistency.

Experience increased conversion rates through their innovative use of dynamic ads and search retargeting, tailored to engage non-converting visitors. 

ThoughtShift's strategies are designed to optimize your budget, maximizing impact while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Industries: eCommerce, Professional Services, Local Services, Apps & Software

Notable clients: Bespoke Plates, Mama Jewels, Sports Maxx, Kiddies Kingdom

Key services:

  • Full-Funnel Advertising

  • Google and Meta Ads Management

  • Dynamic and Search Retargeting

  • Cross-Platform Ad Consistency

  • Performance Analytics

Reason to work with ThoughtShift: Their ability to drive significant revenue growth through meticulously crafted retargeting campaigns makes them an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their digital marketing ROI while effectively re-engaging their audience.     


25. Elevation Marketing

Elevation Marketing specializes in B2B retargeting and remarketing, helping businesses re-engage their audience to boost sales and conversions. 

Their standout feature is the dedication to crafting personalized retargeting strategies that align closely with their clients' business goals. 

You can benefit from their dynamic remarketing, which utilizes various channels to maintain brand visibility and engagement with your prospects. 

Their cross-channel approach ensures that your ads reach your audience no matter where they are online, enhancing your brand's reach. 

Their email remarketing tactics are designed to recapture the attention of previous visitors, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

Lastly, their expertise in Google and social media retargeting, including Facebook and LinkedIn, allows for tailored ads that meet your target audience's specific interests and behaviors.

Industries: Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Education

Notable clients: Amazon, Microsoft, Equinix, Red Hat

Key services:

  • Dynamic Remarketing

  • Cross Channel Remarketing

  • Email Remarketing

  • Google Remarketing

  • Social Media Retargeting

Reason to work with Elevation Marketing: Choose Elevation Marketing for their specialized expertise in B2B markets and their proven ability to increase conversions through tailored, industry-specific remarketing strategies.    


26. Online Marketing Gurus

Online Marketing Gurus excel in remarketing and retargeting services, using precision-targeted strategies to re-engage potential customers and boost conversion rates. 

They distinguish themselves with a custom approach, crafting campaigns that cater specifically to your audience's unique needs and behaviors.

Benefit from their expertise in Google Ads management, ensuring your campaigns are finely tuned for maximum effectiveness.

Experience enhanced visibility across multiple digital platforms, keeping your brand consistently in front of your audience.

Their strategic use of analytics ensures you can measure and optimize the performance of your campaigns effectively.

Finally, they benefit from their tailored campaign adjustments, which continuously enhance ad performance and ROI.

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Technology, Health and Wellness, Education, Fashion

Notable clients: White Fox, Calvin Klein, Durex

Key services:

  • Google Ads Management

  • Multi-Platform Remarketing

  • Custom Campaign Design

  • Analytics and Optimization

  • Strategic Campaign Adjustments

Reason to work with Online Marketing Gurus: Choose Online Marketing Gurus for their personalized approach to PPC and remarketing, ensuring your ads are not just seen but also act as a catalyst for re-engaging and converting potential customers.     


27. EWR Digital

EWR Digital focuses on remarketing and retargeting campaigns, tailoring their strategies to each client's specific needs to enhance brand visibility and conversion rates. 

They are distinguished by their ability to set up targeted campaigns that precisely engage previously interested audiences. 

You'll benefit from their custom-tailored ads, which reconnect with your audience and enhance your chances of converting prior visits into sales.

Their strategic use of analytics allows for the optimization of your ads based on real-time data and user behavior.

Plus, their multi-platform capabilities ensure your campaign reaches your audience, regardless of their channel.

Their integration of advanced tools and technologies allows for more precise targeting and improved conversion rates.

Industries: Healthcare, Legal, Home Services, Real Estate, Automotive, Non-Profit, Fitness, Oil & Gas

Notable clients: Boy Scouts of America, Elite MMA, Lloyd's Register

Key services:

  • Remarketing Campaign Setup

  • Retargeting Campaign Optimization

  • Multi-Platform Advertising

  • Analytics and Conversion Tracking

  • Advanced Targeting Techniques

Reason to work with EWR Digital: Opt for EWR Digital to leverage their expertly crafted campaigns that not only target but captivate your intended audience, driving significant improvements in conversion rates and overall marketing effectiveness.     


28. TIDAL Digital

TIDAL Digital is renowned for its award-winning retargeting campaigns, expertly navigating the complexities of digital marketing to improve client engagement and conversion rates. 

They stand out with their innovative approach to audience segmentation and creative messaging, ensuring ads are not only seen but also resonate deeply with the target audience. 

You'll benefit from their customized retargeting plans, which are designed to meet your audience's specific interests.

Their commitment to precision in targeting can help you recapture and convert previous visitors.

They also offer seamless analytics integration, enhancing your ability to track and refine campaign strategies for optimum performance.

Lastly, their proactive campaign adjustments ensure that your retargeting efforts always align with evolving market trends.

Industries: eCommerce, Finance, Education, Healthcare, Travel

Notable clients: Gulf Oil, Yomly, Luxury Closet

Key services:

  • Audience Segmentation

  • Creative Messaging

  • Customized Retargeting Plans

  • Analytics Integration

  • Campaign Strategy Refinement

Reason to work with TIDAL Digital: Engage TIDAL Digital to leverage their mastery in retargeting that not only targets your audience but captivates them, ensuring your marketing messages convert interest into action efficiently.   


29. Mosaic eMarketing 

Mosaic eMarketing excels in delivering sophisticated remarketing strategies that effectively capture and re-engage your past website visitors. 

They are unique in their ability to integrate a broad range of platforms, from Google Display Network to social media giants like Facebook and Instagram, ensuring a comprehensive approach to retargeting. 

With their services, you benefit from highly customized ads tailored to your specific audience, enhancing brand recall and engagement. 

You'll experience increased visibility across multiple digital platforms, ensuring your brand remains top of mind. 

Their focus on data-driven strategies allows for continuous optimization of your campaigns, making each ad more effective over time. 

Finally, their holistic approach ensures that your retargeting efforts are seamlessly integrated into your overall marketing strategy, maximizing return on investment.

Industries: Retail, eCommerce, Technology, Finance, Healthcare, Non-profit

Notable clients: O'Neill Helhcare, Sotera Health, Woodland Deck Company

Key services:

  • Comprehensive Platform Integration

  • Customized Ad Creation

  • Data-Driven Strategy Optimization

  • Multi-Platform Visibility

  • Holistic Marketing Integration

Reason to work with Mosaic eMarketing: Partner with Mosaic eMarketing to use their expertise in crafting targeted, data-driven retargeting campaigns that ensure your brand stands out and engages effectively with past visitors.  


30. Vizion Interactive

Vizion Interactive is a full-service digital marketing agency that excels in developing targeted remarketing campaigns to convert site visitors into paying customers. 

Their unique value lies in their customized campaign strategies, tailored to align with each client's specific business goals and brand identity. 

You'll benefit from their detailed audience analysis, which enhances the precision of your ads and increases engagement. 

Their process involves rigorous testing and optimization, ensuring that your campaigns continually improve and stay effective. 

They also utilize both on-site and off-site remarketing techniques to broaden the reach and impact of your ads.

Industries: eCommerce, Healthcare, Real Estate, Education, Financial Services

Notable clients: Lennox International, Universal, Interstate Batteries, UMB Bank

Key services:

  • Customized Remarketing Campaigns

  • On-Site and Off-Site Remarketing

  • Audience Analysis and Segmentation

  • Campaign Testing and Optimization

  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics

Reason to work with Vizion Interactive: Opt for Vizion Interactive for their expertly crafted remarketing strategies that are highly customized and integrated with advanced analytics to ensure maximum effectiveness and continuous improvement of your campaigns.


Key Factors in Choosing a Retargeting and Remarketing Agency 

  • Experience with your industry: Ensure the agency has experience in your specific industry. This familiarity means they understand your market dynamics and customer behavior. An agency well-versed in your industry will craft more relevant and effective campaigns.

  • Technology and tools: Look for an agency that uses advanced technologies and tools for retargeting and remarketing. Effective use of technology ensures precision in targeting and better tracking of campaign performance. This helps in optimizing your campaigns for higher returns.

  • Case studies and past results: Check their portfolio for case studies and examples of past success. A proven track record shows they can deliver measurable results. It's crucial to see how they've solved marketing challenges similar to yours.

  • Transparency and reporting: Choose an agency that values transparency in its processes and reporting. You should have access to detailed reports that show campaign performance and insights. Regular updates allow you to understand what's working and what needs adjustment.

  • Customization capabilities: An agency that offers customized strategies is essential. They should tailor their approach based on your business goals and audience. Customization ensures the campaigns align with your unique brand and market needs.

  • Cost and contract flexibility: Consider the cost and the flexibility of the contract terms. You want a service that fits your budget while providing the option to scale services as needed. A flexible contract allows for adjustments based on campaign performance and business growth.


Wrapping Up

This article has guided you through the essentials of retargeting and remarketing agencies, showcasing their roles in enhancing your marketing strategies. 

These agencies can significantly boost your engagement and conversion rates by smartly reconnecting with your audience.

Each agency offers unique advantages, like better targeting accuracy and increased customer retention. 

They leverage advanced technology and tailored strategies to meet specific business needs. However, inBeat stands out overall. 

What makes inBeat exceptional is its focus on innovative targeting techniques, use of real-time data for optimization, and robust client support that ensures campaigns are both effective and efficient.

Remember, the right agency for you depends on your specific requirements and objectives. 

Evaluate your needs, consider these insights, and you'll make a well-informed decision that benefits your business.

Jake Jorgovan