073: How to double your agency's revenue with strategic partnerships

Over the past few years, I have spoke with hundreds of agency owners, and I ask every one of them this same question of "How do you find work?" Time and time again, the trend of "Strategic Partnerships" kept rising to the top. In fact many agencies cited it as generating 20-70% of their revenue.

In this podcast episode, I dive into how these agencies structure strategic partnerships, and how you can form your own. 

In this episode I cover:
- 3 types of strategic partnership (including anecdotes of each type)
- Elements of a strong partnership
- 5 steps to creating your own partnership

The information in this podcast can be found in blog post form at How to double your agencies revenue with Strategic Partnerships

This episode is sponsored by Outbound Creative

Outbound Creative helps agencies and consultancies win their dream clients through eye-catching outreach campaigns. Learn more at OutboundCreative.com

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Jake Jorgovan