The MASSIVE list of tactics you can use to win new clients

Several years ago I decided to focus my consulting career on a simple question.

“How do agencies and consultants win new clients?”

While I had seen success in my own agency winning new clients, I realized that rarely did any two agencies take the same road to success.

So I started interviewing agency owners on the Working Without Pants Podcast, and I started asking every agency owner and consultant I encountered in my work how they won clients. In total I have now spoke with 300+ agency owners and consultants. 

Every time I heard a new tactic, I wrote it down. 

Over time these responses began to grow into a massive list of the various tactics agency owners and consultants use to win new business.

This research is the foundation for my upcoming book Win Your Dream Clients.

And it is also the foundation of my consulting business where I help agencies and consultants win more clients.

So without further ado, here is the MASSIVE list of tactics you can use to win new clients. 

*Note that these tactics are in no particular order of importance. 

The list of tactics you can use to win new clients

The Dynamic Duo (Where almost everyone starts)

  • Word of Mouth

  • Referrals

Thought Leadership


  • Dream Client Campaigns

  • Cold Email Outreach

  • Mass Email Campaigns

  • Cold Calling

  • Teardown and Critiques as a form of outreach

  • Eye-Catching Packages

  • Personalized Outreach Videos

  • Apply to companies who are hiring for your skill set until one hires you to work on contract

  • Reach out as a customer first, vendor second

  • Sign up for newsletters of job opportunities (Letsworkshop, Letsmakeapps, etc.)

  • Utilize job sites likes like Toptal, Upwork, etc.

  • Personal outreach to key influencers in your industry


  • Online Communities where your prospects hang out (Facebook, Slack, etc.)

  • In person networking events

  • Attending conferences where your clients congregate

  • Being present at physical hubs of clients (Ex. Incubators, accelerators)

  • Become actively involved in a local or national association of your target customers. Gain an officer position.

  • Create a monthly exclusive event for your target buyers and clients

  • Sponsor a Conference

  • Network by working in public spaces (Coffee shops or co-working spaces)


  • Speaking Engagements in front of target customers

  • Appearing on Podcasts

  • Guest Blogging / Article Writing

  • Build your own case study

  • Answer questions on Quora relating to your service

  • Build a niche micro-site blog separate from your agency that positions you as a leader an a specific industry

Digital Marketing

  • Linkedin Prospecting

  • Use a tool like Elink-Pro to start conversations with ideal customers

  • SEO

  • Advertising / Paid Traffic

  • Starting conversations with prospects on Social Media

  • Get active on Dribbble or an industry specific social network

Strategic Partnerships

  • Channel partnerships with software vendors

  • Partnerships with other agencies

  • Partnerships with companies who resell your services

  • Referral partnerships with others who sell to your market


  • Upselling existing customers new services

  • Stay in touch with existing network

  • Keep a CRM of your deals organized so you never drop any

  • Looking for mutual connections at prospective companies and ask for intros

  • Client retention. Keep a small number of clients for 10+ years and growing with them

  • Go back to all customers who said no, and try to resell them on a different offer

  • Hold quarterly “strategy calls” with clients to provide value and create opportunities for new projects

Need help figuring out which tactics are right for you?

Sign up for a Sales Teardown where I can give you one-on-one feedback about how to grow your business.

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