5 Ways to Enhance Commercial Real Estate Projects with Fractional Project Management Expertise

Ways to Enhance Commercial Real Estate Projects with Fractional Project Management Expertise

Fractional project management tailors expertise to the specific needs of commercial real estate projects. 

Basically, you leverage highly skilled managers on a part-time basis. 

This approach cuts overhead drastically, your projects stay nimble, and costs decrease. 

Even better, you can manage risk more deftly. That’s because each phase of the project benefits from specialized, focused management. 

Efficiency becomes a standard practice, and you achieve more with less. 

Ready to explore the five ways fractional project management will change your approach? Let’s begin.

1. Expertise on Demand

In commercial real estate, the complexities of projects demand high-level expertise. 

Without high-level expertise, commercial real estate projects risk significant setbacks. 

  • Inadequate planning and execution can lead to budget overruns, missed deadlines, and non-compliance with regulatory standards. 

  • Complex financial structures and intricate negotiations might be mishandled, resulting in unfavorable terms and potential legal issues. 

  • Poorly managed projects can also suffer from subpar construction quality, safety hazards, and inefficient resource use. 

Ultimately, the absence of specialized knowledge jeopardizes the project's success because it diminishes returns on investment and tarnishes the developer's reputation.

Fractional project managers are a great solution because they provide:

  • Specialized Knowledge: They bring targeted skills tailored to the unique demands of each project phase. This ensures you receive expert guidance specific to commercial real estate challenges.

  • On-Demand Expertise: Access this high-level proficiency only when necessary. You avoid the overhead of full-time salaries, focusing your budget on critical moments of the project lifecycle.

  • Strategic Flexibility: Employing a fractional project manager allows you to adapt swiftly to project needs without long-term commitments. This agility is crucial in navigating the volatile landscapes of commercial real estate.

2. Cost Efficiency

Without cost efficiency, commercial real estate projects can quickly become financially unsustainable. 

  • Overruns in your budget can erode profit margins, making projects unviable and deterring investors. 

  • Inefficient resource allocation can lead to wasteful spending, increasing overall costs unnecessarily. 

  • High operational expenses can strain cash flow, impacting the ability to meet financial obligations and potentially leading to project delays or halts. 

  • Higher maintenance and management expenses post-completion are also a very possible result. And the consequence is reducing the long-term profitability of the property. 

Ensuring cost efficiency is essential for maintaining financial health and achieving successful project outcomes, and fractional project management can do that with a three-pronged approach:

  • Reduced Salary Expenditures: You pay only for the time fractional project managers work. This avoids the full salary costs associated with full-time employees, optimizing your budget allocation.

  • Minimized Benefits Costs: Temporary project-based roles mean you do not provide extensive employee benefits, which typically include health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave.

  • Flexibility without Long-Term Commitments: Avoid binding long-term employment contracts. This flexibility allows you to manage financial commitments more effectively, adapting to project needs without enduring financial liabilities.

Each strategic move lowers your project's overhead and maximizes your financial resources. That means you can invest them directly into your commercial real estate ventures.

So why not hire a full-time project manager, then?

Full-time project managers in commercial real estate incur significant costs. Contrast this with fractional project managers to see clear financial benefits:

  • Full-Time Costs: Salaries for full-time project managers typically range from $90,000 to $150,000 annually. Add benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave, and the total can exceed $200,000 per year.

  • Fractional Manager Costs: You pay only for the time they work, often billed hourly or per project. This can range from $50 to $150 per hour. Assuming 20 hours per week for major project phases, costs are around $52,000 to $156,000 annually.

  • Specific Savings: By avoiding full-time salaries and benefits, you save potentially over $100,000 annually. These funds can be redirected to core project needs, enhancing overall financial efficiency.

This strategic cost management optimizes your budget because you get expert input without long-term financial commitments.

3. Enhanced Flexibility

Enhanced Flexibility

Fractional project management equips you with the agility to navigate the dynamic nature of commercial real estate projects:

  • Project Scaling: You can adjust the scale of management input based on current project demands. This means that during intense phases, you can ramp up managerial oversight without committing to long-term increases in staffing levels.

  • Adaptive Project Duration: Your projects may experience timeline shifts due to unforeseen challenges or opportunities. Fractional project managers adjust their involvement to match these changes, ensuring management expertise is available exactly when needed without redundant costs.

  • Quick Adaptation: Changes in project scope or direction require swift managerial responses. Fractional project managers can be onboarded quickly or change their focus faster than full-time staff, aligning quickly with new project priorities.

This level of flexibility ensures that you maintain control over project management resources. Plus, you align spending with actual project needs and avoid wastage. So, you’re saving money and increasing your project’s responsiveness to market conditions and opportunities.

Engaging project management expertise precisely when it's needed during the project lifecycle brings a strategic advantage. 

Here’s how it plays out:

  • You face the inherent unpredictability of commercial real estate projects. This can strain conventional project management structures, where a full-time manager might either be underutilized at times or overwhelmed when complexities spike. This scenario calls for a swift approach.

  • Enter fractional project management. This model allows you to inject expert management skills at critical junctures. Suppose a phase runs over budget or a regulatory hurdle emerges. Here, the fractional manager steps in, equipped with specialized skills to navigate these specific challenges efficiently. They deploy, resolve, and recede as the project dictates.

This precision in engaging expertise means you never pay for idle hands. Instead, you wield expert guidance in moments of acute need. This approach streamlines your expenses and sharpens project focus, making every dollar work harder towards successful outcomes. Even better, your management capacity perfectly matches project demands.

Consequently, you get more adaptive, responsive project structures in your commercial real estate project. 

You need this kind of alignment, especially when your projects span multiple years and are subject to economic and market fluctuations.

4. Risk Management

Without effective risk management, commercial real estate projects are vulnerable to numerous hazards that can derail progress and profitability. 

Unforeseen risks such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and environmental issues can lead to substantial financial losses and project delays. 

Poor risk management also can result in inadequate insurance coverage, leaving your projects exposed to potential liabilities and legal disputes. 

Besides, construction risks like safety incidents and contractor failures can escalate costs and compromise project timelines.

Fractional project managers employ specific strategies for risk management in commercial real estate projects:

  • Thorough Planning: Before project kickoff, they develop a detailed plan. This encompasses all project stages, identifying potential risks early. It sets a roadmap that anticipates obstacles.

  • Rigorous Assessment: They continually assess risks throughout the project lifecycle. This proactive approach involves reviewing current project metrics against the prediction made at the beginning and modifying strategies when needed to contain emerging risks.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Effective communication with all stakeholders ensures transparency. This builds trust and facilitates quicker decision-making, crucial for navigating through unexpected challenges.

  • Proactive Management: They employ preemptive measures to manage identified risks. This might involve securing additional resources or adjusting project scopes before issues escalate.

This proactive stance mitigates risks and positions your project for smoother execution and enhanced outcomes.

5. Project Efficiency and Delivery

It’s obvious you want your project to be efficient and delivered on time. 

But sometimes, you can simply go with the status quo and not actively look for solutions when you view delays as the industry norm.

However, these delays lead to increased labor, material costs, and missed opportunities. Poor project management can result in disorganized workflows, communication breakdowns, and resource misallocation. 

All this enhances delays and cost overruns even more. 

Plus, failing to deliver on time can strain relationships with stakeholders, diminish investor confidence, and potentially result in penalties or legal issues.

Here’s how fractional project managers streamline processes and ensure timely project delivery in commercial real estate:

  • Initial Assessment: At project commencement, they conduct a comprehensive review. This step pinpoints potential bottlenecks and aligns resources, ensuring a streamlined workflow from the start.

  • Process Optimization: They implement efficient management techniques, optimizing each phase of the project. This includes integrating the latest project management software and tools to enhance communication and tracking.

  • Timely Engagement: Their involvement is strategic. During critical phases, they ramp up their engagement to push the project forward. This ensures that momentum is maintained, particularly during transitions between project stages.

  • Adaptive Scheduling: They continuously adapt schedules to meet project timelines. When delays are imminent, they reorganize resources and adjust workflows to keep the project on track.

  • Closure and Review: At project completion, they conduct a thorough review to ensure all aspects are concluded satisfactorily. This ensures that no loose ends jeopardize the project's timely delivery.

This strategic involvement at key points significantly enhances efficiency and guarantees that your commercial real estate projects are delivered on schedule.

Professional tools are also important.

Fractional project managers employ a suite of sophisticated tools and methodologies to enhance efficiency in commercial real estate projects, like: 

  • Lean Project Management principles maximize value while minimizing waste. This approach ensures streamlined processes and reduced costs. 

  • Agile techniques, adapted from software development, allow them to respond swiftly to changes and feedback. This ability keeps your projects aligned with client needs and market conditions.

  • Advanced project management software: These professionals use software like Asana, Trello, or MS Project to maintain tight control over project timelines and resources. Therefore, they have real-time updates and facilitate communication across all parties involved. 

  • Risk analysis software: Tools like @RISK or RiskyProject help you predict and analyze potential risks. That’s how your fractional PMs can make informed decisions through simulations and risk assessments.

By integrating these tools and methods, fractional project managers can ensure smoother project execution and more predictable outcomes. The result for you is maximizing your investments and minimizing potential delays.

Real-World Case Studies

We analyzed different ways in which fractional project managers can streamline your commercial real estate projects.

If you’re still not convinced, here are a few real-world examples showcasing the success of fractional project management in commercial real estate projects:

1. Avison Young - Hamilton Lane Project

Avison Young led the project management for Hamilton Lane's 260,000 square feet of ground-up construction. 

Fractional project managers played a critical role in overseeing tenant representation and ensuring that all project stages, from planning to execution, adhered to strict timelines and budgets. 

Their involvement streamlined processes and mitigated potential delays, demonstrating the efficacy of fractional management in large-scale developments​.

2. Uli - Shea's Seneca in Buffalo, NY

Shea's Seneca, a mixed-use development, leveraged fractional project management. They could thus tackle regulatory hurdles better and coordinate between various stakeholders. 

In fact, they employed several fractional managers at critical project phases. 

As a result, the team managed risks effectively and ensured the timely completion of both residential and commercial spaces within the development​.

3. CBRE - Office Fit-Outs and Renovations

CBRE has successfully used fractional project managers for various office fit-out and renovation projects. 

For instance, the renovation for one of their clients included detailed tenant representation and fit-out management. 

The fractional project managers ensured that the renovation met all specifications and was completed on time.

And that’s solid proof of the importance of expert management during key project phases. 

Maximizing Returns: The Strategic Advantage of Fractional Project Management in Commercial Real Estate

Fractional project management introduces a tailored approach to managing complexities in commercial real estate. It offers expert insights when most needed without the burden of full-time overheads. 

This model optimizes resource use and enhances flexibility so you can adapt swiftly to project demands. However, you need a strategic application to mitigate risks and ensure your projects stay on track and within budget. 

We have seen how fractional managers drive significant results in various real-world scenarios, proving the model's effectiveness.

So, consider this approach as a key strategy to maximize your returns and enhance project outcomes. The flexibility and expertise of fractional project management can transform potential challenges into successes, giving you a solid competitive edge in real estate.

Additional Reading on Real Estate