Posts in Business Development
7 Business Challenges You Can Solve With The Right Pricing Strategy

Every business faces challenges that impact growth and profitability. Often, the root cause is a pricing strategy that doesn’t align with your goals. This can impact your business in all kinds of areas, even those that don’t seem related to pricing. The good news is that the right pricing strategy can change this. It optimizes revenue, positions you against competitors, and builds customer loyalty. In this article, we'll cover seven critical business challenges you can solve with an effective pricing strategy. We’ll dive into how pricing impacts revenue optimization, customer perception, and demand management. You’ll also discover how strategic pricing can tackle issues like sales friction, market expansion, and discount dependency. Let’s unlock the potential of your pricing.

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Top 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Raising Capital in 2024

Raising capital in 2024 is tough due to changes in the economy and what investors are looking for, making the process more complicated.

Traditional ways of getting funding are becoming less common, with investors now focusing more on how well businesses can execute their plans and show solid results. 

However, there are still good opportunities:

  • Increased interest in sustainable businesses.

  • More funding options for tech and AI startups.

  • Growing investor emphasis on scalability.

Thorough preparation is key. You need a strong strategy because investors will examine every detail, and mistakes can be costly.

In this article, I will highlight the biggest mistakes to avoid. By preparing well and executing your plan effectively, you can set your business up for success.

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5 Key Factors to Consider During Your ERP Selection Process

Selecting an enterprise resource planning system is a critical business decision. 

The right choice can streamline operations and boost efficiency. 

However, the wrong choice can lead to costly disruptions. 

This article will detail the 5 key factors to consider during your ERP selection process and how to evaluate them

Understanding these factors will help you make an informed and strategic decision. 

Let’s explore what you need to know to choose the best ERP system for your business.

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Overcoming Software Talent Scarcity: Innovative Staffing Solutions for Businesses

In the quest for growth, businesses grapple with a critical challenge: a glaring scarcity of software talent. This gap between demand and supply stifles innovation, putting companies at a competitive disadvantage.

If securing top-notch software developers feels like an uphill battle, you're in the right place for actionable insights.

  • Discover how rapid technological advancements contribute to talent shortages and what can be done to keep pace.

  • Understand the impact of demographic shifts and how mentorship can bridge the knowledge gap.

  • Explore innovative recruitment strategies that go beyond traditional hiring processes, including AI-driven tools and remote work policies.

  • Learn about harnessing the power of diversity and inclusion to widen your talent pool.

  • Find out how partnerships with recruitment agencies and the strategic use of fractional executives can fortify your staffing solutions.

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How to grow your audience and email list on Linkedin

1,258 new connections in 3 months
1,777 new connections in 4 months
2,852 new connections in 6 months

Those are real numbers from many of the campaigns we have run for our clients at Lead Cookie

Those are thousands of new connections that will now see their content in their newsfeed, and we have set up funnels to drive many of those new connections to email list subscriptions. 

But how do you do it? 
How do you actually grow your audience on Linkedin?
And how do you drive those people to sign up for your email list?

In this post, I will give you the exact frameworks and scripts we use to do this for our clients at Lead Cookie.

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How to test and validate your value proposition fast

When I come across many agencies or consultants, they are stuck in this constant idea of “Do I niche down?” 

If you are asking yourself that question, then chances are the answer is Yes.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Finding an offer and value proposition that resonates with the market can be a challenge. 

Yet I have built a framework for building and testing value propositions at a rapid pace that I have used over and over for different clients and situations in the past.

In this article, I am going to share that framework with you and specific examples of value propositions that I have tested with this framework. I have both examples of failures and successes so you can see what worked and what didn’t.

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Why your marketing isn't working (Intro to the 3 M's)

It’s extremely common that agencies or consultants come to me sharing how their marketing simply isn’t working. They blame it on the tactics and seem to think that everyone who is teaching them tactics is a scam.

They try cold email… and fail.
They try Facebook ads… and fail.
They try content marketing… and fail.
They keep trying new things… and failing.

When your marketing is not producing results, there are 3 foundational elements that can be wrong with it. These are called the “Three M’s”.

In this article, I am going to share those Three M’s with you and give concrete examples of how to think about each one.

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The difference between inbound and outbound leads

Many customers who come to Lead Cookie only have experience closing inbound leads and referrals. Most have never run a cold email campaign, cold calling or Linkedin outreach campaign. 

How you handle an inbound lead vs an outbound lead is different in two fundamental ways.

  • Trust
  • Buying cycle 

My goal with this article is to dive into those differences and help improve your closing rate from outbound leads. 

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Why agency owners and consultants should maximize their personal income

There is a conversation that I seem to have over and over again with agency owners.

They tell me about their business, and how they are growing. 

Every year more revenue and more employees.

Yet their personal income is still low… 

They keep “reinvesting in the business” and if they could just make it over this next hump then their profits would go up and they could take home more pay.

This conversation happens time and time again…

In this article, I want to share why an agency owner with a low personal income need to make some serious changes.

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The weekly sales habit essential to nurturing & closing more deals

There is a trend that I see time and time again in nearly all of the agencies and consultants that I work with.

They often get leads in some form or another.

But, they struggle to nurture and close those leads…

The reason? 

They have no habit built to nurture and close those deals.

In this article, I am going to share with you a super simple weekly nurture habit that takes 30 minutes each week. This habit will help you nurture more customers through to a close.

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20 creative ideas on how to win consulting clients

Finding new clients and better clients is the ongoing challenge of almost any agency or consulting practice.  

In this post, I outline 20 different tactics that I have seen agencies and freelancers use to win new clients for their business. These tactics are all real-world examples that I have learned from hands-on experience or interviewing agency owners on my podcast.

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A simple trick to generate more leads on Linkedin

About six months ago, an agency owner told me about this interesting Linkedin tactic that he used to win one of their best clients. 

At first, I was skeptical on if the approach would actually work. So before recommending it to any of my clients or readers, I decided to give it a shot myself. 

After 6 months, I can now cite closing more than $10,000 worth of consulting business from this passive tactic. And as I write this, I am in negotiations with one of my biggest clients to date which could take that closed number to $60k or more. 

All of that revenue came from a simple lead generation tactic on Linkedin.

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My system for streamlining my podcast workflow
“Starting a podcast sounds great, but it just seems like a ton of work.”

That is what nearly all of my clients say to me when I propose the idea of launching their own podcast. 

Yet when I bring up the idea of starting a podcast to others, they have a built in belief that creating and running a podcast is going to take at on of time and energy.

The truth is, that is not the case. 

In this post I share my entire workflow on streamlining my podcast process. 

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How to 10x the results from the next conference you attend

When most people go to a conference or networking event, they tend to just show up and hope for the best.

Maybe they will bump into someone worthwhile at the bar.
Or perhaps one of the random people they approach to network with will be a potential customer.

Due to the nature of live events and the connections that can arise of meeting someone in person, these events still can often yield results when those lucky connections do arise.

But, relying on luck to bump into a worthwhile connection is not really the best approach.
Instead, you can 10x the results you get from your next conference or live event by planning ahead and doing outreach before the event.

In this post, I am going to share with you a simple 5 step process for maximizing the results you get from your next event.

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Grow your consulting firm through podcast networking

Chances are the idea of creating your own podcast has crept into your mind at some point. But, you may have gotten stopped by the following thoughts:

  • How will I get an audience?
  • It’s become too competitive
  • There are already podcasts out there like what I want to create
  • It is going to take too much time

Those are all common objections people have to creating a podcast for their business.

In this post, I want to break those down and share why you should start a podcast for your agency or consultancy, even if you have the fears listed above.

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How to find almost anyone’s email address

When you are doing outbound marketing, emails are essential.

Regardless of if you are running a cold email campaign, or following up on a direct mail piece, email addresses are essential to outreach.

In the course of my outbound marketing efforts, I have researched thousands of email addresses and tried out various tools for finding them.

In this post I have outlined the tools and methods I use to find email addresses. 

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The best sales advice I ever received

One of my sales mentors once shared a very simple piece of advice with me.

It’s so simple, it seems almost stupid when you first look at it. 

But yet, I can relate almost every gap of work in my history of consulting down to this simple concept. 

And time and time again, I find myself sharing this information with clients who seem to be struggling to keep their sales pipelines full. 

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How to shorten sales cycles with an entry level offer

For years, I operated without an entry level offer. Both when I had my agency, and as a solo consultant. 

But eventually I decided to make a shift and try out selling an entry level offer. The first few months were rocky, but eventually, I saw the light and decided never to look back.

Utilizing an entry level offer has drastically changed my business and my income. 

This article outlines the journey I made with selling an entry level offer, mistakes I made along the way, and it gives you a roadmap for creating your own offer. 

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